Isuzu dan Toyota tanggapi Menperin soal impor D-cab
Isuzu and Toyota respond to the Ministry of Industry regarding the import of D-cab
Recently, the Ministry of Industry in Indonesia raised concerns about the import of Double Cab (D-cab) vehicles from Isuzu and Toyota. The Ministry stated that the import of these vehicles could potentially harm the local automotive industry and hinder its growth.
In response to these concerns, Isuzu and Toyota have both released statements addressing the issue. Isuzu, a leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles, emphasized that their D-cab vehicles are not directly competing with local manufacturers as they target a different market segment.
Isuzu also highlighted the fact that they have been investing in Indonesia for over 40 years and have contributed significantly to the local economy. They also stated that they are committed to complying with all regulations set by the government and will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Industry to address any concerns.
Toyota, another major player in the automotive industry, also responded to the Ministry’s concerns. They reiterated their commitment to the Indonesian market and stated that they have been investing in the country for over 40 years as well.
Toyota emphasized that they have been actively collaborating with local partners and suppliers to support the growth of the automotive industry in Indonesia. They also stated that they are in compliance with all regulations set by the government and are committed to supporting the development of the local automotive sector.
Overall, both Isuzu and Toyota have expressed their commitment to the Indonesian market and their willingness to work with the Ministry of Industry to address any concerns regarding the import of D-cab vehicles. It is clear that both companies value their relationship with Indonesia and are dedicated to supporting the growth of the local automotive industry.